Monday, March 3, 2014

third of march

In the name of Allah,

last night I was sick. so sick that I couldn't sleep the whole night.
kafarah dosa :) and earlier this morning I got jpj test. hihuuu I was so sleepy after the fajr prayer for not sleeping the whole night and dozed off for few minutes after the prayer.

track driving was nice since that jpj guy in charge is generous :> thanks pakcik !
road driving was a bit sad. haha, tak keluar track lagi dah dia kata berhenti. uhukss. takpelah, try later. XD

"assalamualaikum, dqwa sihat ?"
"waalaikummussalam taksihat."
"hahaha, test tadi ok ? pass tak ?"
"tak ok, dah fail pun..."
"alhamdulillah~ takpe tu rezeki dqwa. pasni bila lagi repeat ?"
"in two weeks time."

thanks bazmi. a bit shocked bila dia cakap alhamdulillah tu. hamboi, perli ? hahaha. tapi betul lah kan :>

 jangan hanya syukur saat diuji dengan kejayaan, lalu berpaling sombong bila diuji dengan kegagalan.