Monday, January 27, 2014

the time keeper

Alhamdulillah :DD finished reading this amazing book written by Mitch Albom.

actually I'm a bit scared since I knew he was a jewish from his another book For One More Day. anyhow I learnt a lot of new vocab from there like synagogue, eulogy, sermon, pastor, rabbi, and some other.

a bit of The Time Keeper,
there're this two people; a girl and an old man with different stories.

the girl wanted to end her life as her one and only hope in love rejected her and even worse, humiliate her on the cyber net. couldn't bear with it, she tried to kill herself by inhaling carbon monoxide that she channeled into her car by a tube. make it stop !

the old man however is one of the richest people in the world (kinda) and he's suffering from kidney failure and counting days till death. he didn't want to die and even plan to escape death by cryonics, preserving himself and wait for the latest technology to be able to bring him back to life and treat his kidney.

Father Time was watching them all that time.
the climax was when Father Time take them both and bring them to the future to see what happens, the consequences of their own action. the girl, that boy she loved wasn't even care she killed herself because of him. and the old man, her wife couldn't accept his action of lying about that to her until their eyes last met each other on the very same night. he was later became an artifact; living helplessly in a chemical-fluid cylinder that preserved him  in the future for the whole world to witness.

they both returned back in time and chose not to do what they're doing when Father Time came to rescue them. the girl got out of her car and screamed for help. that old man signaled his worker to stop and went back home to his wife. he died later but before he died, he even admitted that it was the most beautiful moment in his life with his wife. he even gave sponsor for the girl to pursue her studies in science before he passed away. few years later, that girl become a doctor/scientist and found the cure to the old man's disease which reward her with a nobel prize.

PS: you wouldn't know what the future holds.

:DD next in queue: Beduk Diketuk by Ust Pahrol Mohd Juoi.