Monday, January 13, 2014


"Apabila perbalahan itu merapatkan, itu persahabatan. Apabila perbalahan itu menjauhkan, itu permusuhan. Apa-apa pun tetap ada perbalahan, cuma apa natijahnya? Menjadi saling memahami, memaafi, atau saling memusuhi, menyalahi?"

*batuk-2. I miss my gals !

These days I've been serabut sikit worrying about Mey's condition. Hope you didn't have to go with the operation... It freaks me out like seriously.

Shazia is here all the way from New Zealand awhhhhhh I miss us too. Allah, berikanlah kami kesempatan bertemu. It has been years, the same thing goes with Amira Azlin, Auni, Amira Husna and Syahirah Badrol. Tsk tsk. 

*lap hinguih

how have you guys been ? readers :)
someone asked me this few days back, and I didn't know what to reply. I was... startled. dumbfounded ?

"kawan awak tu semua dulu pakai tudung labuh, kan ?"
"yes, why ?"
"sekarang kenapa semua tudung atas bahu je ?"

I'm not here to criticize on anyone.
Me myself also didn't yet wear tudung labuh,
but as long as you cover your chest properly, you aurah wholly then there's nothing wrong with not wearing tudung labuh I guess. and I truly understands why the person speaks like that in the first place. He's trying to correct you, us, and wanted us all to change into a better person ^^, thanks bruhh !