Thursday, January 9, 2014

those hands,

last two weeks we went to Sogo together with my grandpa whom I called Sidee. he came all the way here to keyelle from thailand.

I saw very few people taking their parents together with them for shopping. Usually only the chinese do that. I saw young couple with strollers, taking their babies to this section and there. I wonder would their children do the same thing once they've grown-up ? hold their parents hands in the shopping market, aid them to walk and still have fun shopping, just like how it used to be when their parents were young and they're still little kids. running around in the shopping markets, taking everything there is and stuff it in the cart.

will I ?
will they ?

back then, when you're a baby and they willingly take them with you, and how could you do that in reply ..? even worst, left them at the old folks home ? they need love, and care from their children. not from the nurses there. your parents do whatever it takes to take best care of you. but when they're ailing sick, what do you do in reply ?

ask myself.
ask yourself.

"you raise me up. so I can stand the mountain.
you raise me up, to more than I can be..."

they're one in this whole wide world. run to even australia and you'll never find your parents there once they die. Allah, place my parents, our parents, among those whom You loves most Ya Rabb... Ameeen.