Sunday, March 2, 2014

in just minutes

I sat there with two cups of coffee in my hands
at a place where we used to hang with each other.

you used to be the one I talk to when I needed anything to tell. just exactly anything. you bear with my every single whine, my reckless wish, my stubbornness, my lazy being.. you never scold me neither push me away every time I come to you, asking you for this and that. not even once you put my wish on hold though you've so many things to deal with at that very moment. you keep motivating me, though I know you're in a much worse condition. you keep reminding me to study hard, focus, and even teach me physics, chemistry, addmaths, biology and the subject of life when we hang with each other. you get nothing in repay but you're still doing everything I asked you anyway.

and I hope you always will..

I'm nothing to compare to your kindness.

who keep my name in your every du'a
who keep in touch with me on the important days

and being reminded of this, I feel better that there're those foul people around me that didn't treat me right. it's a fair thing isn't it ?

I'm here, watching you from afar.

and when I'm done with this post, I'd want to always cherish the people that's around me for now. so that there's nothing for me to regret when I lose them later. so in just this minutes, I'd want to know.

are you okay living without your mother for this past 2 years ?
and how is your study ? your health ?

and oh yes, of course. thanks for taking care of my needs, study, pain, cuts and bruises during those years.

since nothing lasts forever,

may Allah reward you better.