Wednesday, February 26, 2014


In the name of Allah,

bukan Allah taktahu rasa sakitnya kita dek kehilangan.
bukan Allah taknampak setiap air mata yang yang mengalir kerana menanggung kesedihan.
bukan Allah bagi semua ujian tanpa hikmah yang cuba Dia sampaikan.

I feel low, really low that I scold you for just a piece of material. It's just that it holds me sentimental values that I've been taking care of it all these while. but just due to that small matter, I gave up things I shouldn't have and have been throwing tantrum everywhere. I regret that, I really do [T..T]

since tomorrow is your birthday,
I hope that I can find you something useful. something that you need. surely I won't forget to shoot you du'as from afar. I'm glad to have an awesome person like you around, I do. I do. I do. Alhamdulillah ya Allah for this beautifully handsome-soleh person :') sincerely, deep down from my heart's core. sorry that I sucks at expressing my feelings. please do continue provoking me, teaching me a lot of things in life that I have no idea even exist. please don't ever lose hope in me. I beg you, please. I'll learn to accept all the criticism in a positive way :>

mohon tolong doakan juga kejayaan dqwa.

you're one in a zillion.