Tuesday, August 6, 2013

harga sebuah kebebasan

I watched Al-Hijrah just now
and there was a documentary about Israel-Palestine

and I started to wonder,

How is their Ramadhan ..?
How are they going to celebrate Eid Mubarak ..?
Do they have new clothes to wear ..?

Allah, kurniakanlah kegembiraan dan ketenangan buat saudara-saudara kami di Palestin.
Allah, kurniakanlah mereka nikmat kebebasan dan kemerdekaan.


as I watched them bleed, I started to think of being a doctor. I wanted to be able to help them. Or am I feeling like this so that I could brag about it here and there and hope for some respects ? na'uzubillahi min zalik. it wasn't easy to syahid nowadays. I remembered back then when we're still kids, me and Abak, he used to tell me that one day he'd want to fight for those in Palestine. even kids could think of it. then why can't the elders make it happen ?

-strive for espiem, show that muslims are great.