Saturday, August 10, 2013

eid day

on the first day of eid, we went for eid prayer at the musolla. our first time early on eid day :) alhamdulillah ~

after the prayer, I met Syahirah Maarif, my comrade since primary school. she invited me to come over to her house this saturday for Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri ! and I'll be glad to come over since she'll be inviting all our friends :D inshaAllah.

and then of course the salam-salam part :') this year's salam-salam part is a bit solemn since I started to realize how much each and every one of us has grown up. like so much ! haha. and now is the time for kakak to give out duit raya for the kids already :p

Ma gave us duit raya as usual :) but it has integrated, multiplied. hehs. I knew what to with it.
1. hadiah dorm
2. baju batch

neighbors came for ziarah, Ma's friends and kids.
we went over to Ustaz Darus's house.

end of my eid. lol. perhaps I'll walk to the neighbor's house for a short visit tomorrow insyaAllah.


I watched AimanAzlan on youtube just now and he is giving away Eid Greeting Cards masyaAllah ! Kun, thanks for sharing the video because I haven't been interested in watching his videos since... I don't know. heww. now that Lah Fahmi and Matluthfi haven't making much videos and I'm going low with Maria Elena and Nigahiga (he's ridiculously funny sometimes, and I'm getting bored), so here I go with AimanAzlan's videos :D ok, now I get it. he used sophisticated words for an english amateur like me to understand. I couldn't apply those wide vocab in my essays or speech (I don't really speak english. lol) and yeah I stopped watching. maybe I click on those topics I wasn't drawn into. no interest in. yeda yeda.

'awak ingat solely on usaha je ke seseorang tu berjaya ..?'
'tak opkos...'

ehh, I saw my senior further in law. lol, I'm kinda like wanna be a lawyer too. hmmm.. macam kool pulaks.

*bukak buku*
trial kot. ufff ><"