Tuesday, January 7, 2014

bbw road trip

I'm making myself busy with reading lots of books nowadays, while thinking and considering which course to further. I'm really not that kind of people that loves to read. I mean, I don't make up time for that since... little ? as I grow, I tried to open up my mind and read stuffs of different genre, other than textbooks and finally realised how loads of fun it is contented with !

one funny thing is that, I thought 'Have Some Faith' by Mitch Albom is something like 'Tuesdays With Morrie' but wasn't. It is more about christianity but that didn't bother me much anyway.

We - Abg Mubarak, his friend Mad, and I went to Big Bad Wolf earlier today and we got home at 7 something. how time swiftly passed, ey ? an embarrassing incident happened that reminded both Abg Mubarak and I of kak Shark [Shahkierin Manan]. *ohh how much I miss her... Allah berkatilah kak Shark. Amiin.

I'm listening to 'So Soon- Maher Zain' that recalled my hostel memoirs at gopenhagen.