Saturday, December 14, 2013

little word

:) jadi, nak mula dari mana ?

berpatah balik beberapa hari kebelakang, I read a blog of an ex-sbp student who is now pursuing medicine course and doing his preparation to go to Ireland. whoaaaa, envy much. pesan dia, bila mula ngantok masa belajar, main ! dance, sing, snap pictures, go wild. anything. lepastu sambunglah balik *wink.

these days I've been... entah.

ok, tadi baru lepas jalan-2 pusing Publika dengan Suraya, Alia, and Syahirah.  kebetulan terserempak dengan Firdaus Norizan, kawan sekolah rendah kami semua masa naik escalator. Suraya panggil dia dan dia toleh tengok kami. I nod and wave at him. Hafizul ada cakap pasal kerja part-time dan gaji apa semua. seronok juga tahu benda-2 ni. lepastu Hafizul masuk kerja dan kami makan Secret Recipes sambil borak-2. jalan pusing guardian, daiso, subway, teddies, kaleidoscope, butiks dan balik. haha, window shopping best kot. one thing for sure, as for me, Publika sesuai untuk Brand-Freak.

dan itu bukan saya.
aoo-uuh ?

there're lots of thing to do :
   hafal surahs
   take license
   kemas rumah
   belajar masak, baking dan jahit
   learn swimming
   isi permohonan scholarship
   read all the novels
   apply for cikgu tadika

eight years and counting :'D

five years and counting :'D

PS: macam banyak je. esok pergi pwtc for 1Malaysia book fair insyaaAllah. next week to Melaka for                 funnn. 'when you expect less from other people to make you happy, you'll be happier'

PSS: I now understood. I've killed all the memories. thanks to abak for helping me a lot through it.