Thursday, May 23, 2013

surprisee ! :D

Alhamdulillah ;) know what ? hehe. Lepas habis last paper exam petang tadi patutnya tengok cikgu-2 main sukan. Well yeahh, aku dah semangat nak tengok bola tampar but then budak form 5 lain kat asrama tu cam meriah pulaks. So, alamatnya takpergi lah kan. Pastu aku pun kemaslah baju nak balik (esok) *supposedly.

Aku tahu abah datang utp tapi abah kata tak datang gopeng so I didn't bother to call him, or even turn on my phone. Tengah-2 borak dengan Intan tiba2 dengar ada laki jerit kat basement asrama panggil nama aku.

Sakai sugguh. Kantoi lah takpegi. Escape ><`

hilang jap nafas waktu tu. And my adrenaline boost bila pakcik guard tu kata 'ayah kamu datannnngg '

XD ceehwah (; eksaited kut !

leceh jugaklaa. Cuak gila kut 5 bulan takhantar buku outing. Tadi pulak mintak tandatangan bonda. Dahla kemain lama lagi bonda tgk buku aku tu. Resahh beb ! syukur she said nothing about it.

Lepas kemas barang bagai 'we' (ma, abah, kakak, abg barak, me and deqlah) head to pakcik's place. for the first time aku tgk sendiri basikal yg abg used to use back then in utp. He kinda 'graduated' already. Ramai kut yg keluar katanya.

Hmmm.. Seronooook kot ! Setelah sekian lama tak naik basikal :") nostalgia .., i miss my childhood dearly. Comel gila sebab taklama lepastu kakak pulak sebok nak naik ! :D followed by abah ^^ "I think I need to buy another one for myself lah.. to exercise" Yeaaaahh. And that bicycle stay there. At pakcik's place. "Abah, letak kat gopeng lah camni !" tiba2 abg barak bersuara "mana boleh ! ni mubarak-rider punya kott :p " :( tak best laa camni.

Sebelum balik tu singgah rumah nenek sedare jap. I learnt a lot. Seriously. She is old. And she made me think Oh Allah, my ma is going to get old like this one day too.. i'm scared i am too busy growing up that i forgot ma and abah are growing old too :"[     I can merely see the biceps on my atok sedare's arm and the shape of his bones at the joints. He seemed weak. One day abah will grow old too ...

I can see how much nenek love atok. No joke. Nenek is old but i wonder how she is able to take care of atok all by herself. The house's safety and everything.  Out to buy the groceries everyday when all her children that she has been taking care of are now having their own family. Sunyinya camtu T.T Allah,. camane nanti kalau nenek suddenly demam ke apa ? Atok naik kerusi roda. Maybe bacause nenek tahu dia ada atok utk dia jaga, nenek wouldn't want to ever fall sick. Though usianya tua, dan kekuatan fizikalnya makin pudar.. namun senyumnya takpernah lekang :) moga Allah pimpin kedua-duanya ke jalan-Nya.. aameeenn ya Rabb.

I once heard that once you reach 50 something, Allah tak terima any more excuses because what have you been doing through your 50 years of life ? And once you reached 60 something, even pancaran matahari yg kena pada kulit tubuh mu sendiri akan berkata about something like... asking you to be prepared of death.

Najwa, what good have you been doing in your nearly 17 years of life? Awak tahu awak hidup di dunia hanya sekali. But you know more that you're going to live in the hereafter forever. Jangan jadi faqir. Faqir akhirat.

Jiran nenek sedare tu chinese and she kept insisting that I'm the last child. Bila aku tunjuk adik aku yg last, dia kata "haiyya. Tipu saya ka. You lah last amoi kan?" bila ma benarkan kata2 aku baru aunty tu percaya. "Tapi muka you nampak macam last loo.." *hip2 hooray ! Kesian hang deqlah. Uhuhu~

Lepaih tu on the way stop kejap kat RnR Tapah. I saw a man holding his mother's hand. Assisting her, to walk properly sampailah pintu surau perempuan tu. Hwaa.. ayuhlah jaga ma dengan abah camni jugak ! Makcik tu peramah :) she's from kedah, on her way to kl hantar anak dia yg pimpin dia jalan tu interviu universiti.  Nak ambil perguruan katanya. Baru habis matriks. Tua setahun dari abang probably. Anak makcik semua dah besar kahwin, yg itu last. I wonder... pasal ma.

on our way to kl tu aku sebok layan jiwang. Lama kut tak jiwang2 karat ni :p sebok examm... Deqlah update lagu kt mp3 dia. Layannn~ taylor swift, greyson chance and some others. Irfan makki jugak !